Thursday, June 13, 2013

Recipes sound so good

Many of you out there have, like myself, been able to avoid the temptation of Pinterest.
Now that I understand Pinterest, it does seem convenient instead of bookmarking every website I visit. Still, I am intrigued when a marvelous, scrumptious photo appears on my Facebook newsfeed.

These words entice, ensnare, entangle you with tags like "Healthy" "Easy" "Gluten-free!".
And, the instructions underneath prompt you to "Share on your timeline so you won't lose this recipe!"
Multiple people click "share", the Pinterest page is spread on and on.

But, when we attempt to make the photographed item, how many times does it actually turn out?
Would your family actually eat it?

I know there are some humorous blogs in existence with multiple photos of "Pinterest fails". Though this may end up sharing some definite fails, I am hoping to simply try recipes that interest me and share the results with you.
I'll try to share some photos of my processes as I go.

I hope you benefit from my successes and failures as we determine whether or not it's too good to be true.


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